tisdag 21 juni 2011

Se hela vinnarprogrammet

Här kan du se hela programmet "I största hemlighet" som sändes i Uppdrag Granskning i februari 2010. Programmet handlar om misstänkta dumpningar i Östersjön i samband med att Sovjetunionen drog sig tillbaka från baltikum i början på 90-talet. Jag belönades för fotot i filmen med utmärkelsen Gyllene snittet i katergorin "årets fotograf, enkamera".
Programmet är filmat med en Sony PMW-EX1 och Letus Extreme DOP-adapter.

onsdag 15 juni 2011

Current affairs pieces shot on F3

(UPDATED) Below you will find two stories that I shot and edited for Uppdrag Granskning (Swedish public service). The one about the parking ticket is a good example of a quick turn around run-n-gun type of story. The visa story is shot under a longer period of time but still rather quick and dirty. Both are shot entirely with the Sony PMW-F3.

måndag 13 juni 2011

Docu-work with the Sony F3

I shoot current affairs and documentaries. Some people would say that the F3 is not for me. I disagree. In a sense they are right of course; an ENG-camera with a nice long zoom is very comfortable when you are shooting “the real world”. But there is another aspect to it – the look!